Misty O'Brien has some really fun new products out today. The first one is this fun kit called Fort Wilderness. This kit had previously been released at some of her other stores, but she has re-vamped it, added to it, and put it at her store at Funky Playground Designs. This kit is perfect for any and all camping and outdoor photos! This is one of my all time favorite kits of Misty's and I know you will love it, too!! The kit will be on sale for 20% off through Sunday, so go check it out! Previews linked to her store.

Misty also has this really fun alpha that coordinates perfectly with her Fort Wilderness kit, or would be the perfect complement to another kit. It comes with 3 full alphas and is also 20% off through Sunday!

Finally, she has this really fun glittery alpha that will also coordinate with Fort Wilderness or work well with another kit. It is full of glitz and is one you definitely want in your stash!!

Here is the layout I created with Fort Wilderness and the cardcoard alphas. Doesn't this kit just look fun??
Have a great day and Happy Scrapping!!