April is Autism awareness month, and it was two years ago this month, Misty of Misty O'Brien Designs and her husband discovered their firstborn son was autistic. A year prior, he had shown some signs of regression and delay but it took another year for the clearer signs of autism to come through. With the help and research from
Talk About Curing Autism site, they were able to find the best treatments and therapies for him, and I am happy to say that two years from his diagnosis, he is functioning at an almost typical level. They also heavily credit Ian's therapists and school for his amazing transition. Last year,
Misty posted a story about Ian's road through autism, and while she has yet to update his progress in the last year, you are welcome to read the post,
here. If you'd like to learn more about autism and the symptoms, please visit
Talk About Curing Autism.
Without further ado, here is Misty's Playgroup kit,
On the Spectrum. It comes with a bonus pack of 6 word arts too. All proceeds from the sale of this kit, each month, will be donated to
Talk About Curing Autism, as well as the
Northwest Autism Center. Through Monday, April 18th, you can pick up this kit for 50% off ($2.50!).

Here is the layout I created with this kit. It also uses a template by 3 Lil monsters.

And join Misty on
Facebook between April 15th and April 22nd to celebrate her 2 Year Design Anniversary!

She will be giving away coupons, freebies, special deals and more! You'll have to be a
fan to take part!